Whenever you take on a new project, there's a million things that go through your mind. Where to begin? What direction to take? The questions roll on and on. Ask any project manager worth his/her salt and they will tell you... it's very easy to get caught up in all of these considerations and lose sight of one's desired goals. For some time, I have been blogging about Abaga Falls, wondering about it's current state, gathering information (and mis-information) and then trying to draw conclusions about my findings. It's extremely difficult to hit such moving targets (and with so little information available), this is certainly a project that has me constantly reevaluating both my long term strategy and daily tactics. If I haven't already done so, let me go back and restate the very purpose of this blog. If not for my readers, then for myself...
- To confirm the national park status (or lack thereof) of the Abaga Falls area
- To determine, through reputable sources, the current state of the Abaga Falls Ecosystem
Sounds pretty simple doesn't it?
As a third and final goal, in the event that the Abaga Falls area does not currently enjoy national park status (and all of the benefits contained therein), to begin a campaign to obtain (or regain) such status.
Moving forward, I will do my best to keep readers apprised of any and all actions I have taken to achieve the goals I have detailed above. And as always, I remain open to any suggestions or recommendations that may be more effective in my efforts.
Remember, I cannot do this alone. Your support and involvement can help move mountains.