Sunday, April 22, 2007

Welcome to Abaga Falls

Beautiful, enchanting and be-witching water falls. Before WW-II the road allowed complete driving access along the rim of the crater and visitors will be able to see the abundance of wildlife in their natural habitat. As a boy I spent most of my weekend exploring the waterfall area. The vertical drop of this water fall is approximately, twice that of the nearby Maria Cristina Falls. To increase the water flow additional water from the Agus River, 4.5 km away at Baloi, can be diverted using the existing (or modified) river bed to Abaga Falls and with a careful design, primarily focus on protecting the environment could result to a huge reward. Aside the environmental protection for the Abaga Waterfall, the area, and the wildlife, there is a potential for a hydro electric plant (green power), agriculture irrigation system, recreational, education environmental research and future generation. Although found in web sites and advertised by travel agencies, I have not seen a full blown view picture of the falls, except, what I can remember. I suggest that the Abaga Falls Area be restored to National Park status.

If you are interested in helping to advance this idea ... Please e-mail me at:


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