Thursday, June 14, 2007

Good Publicity

I just came across some nice coverage by National Geographic on conservation efforts taking place in the Philipines (just so you know that I'm not the only one harping about it!). Unfortunately, this is only a sample of the coverage. For more in-depth information, you'll have to get the February 2007 print version of National Geographic...

Hot Spots: The Philippines
Dark clouds bullied in as we reached Sabang, a frontier depot with a grocery store and a few dirt-floor karaoke bars. A water buffalo carted our gear a half mile to the cottages of a “beach resort,” where I lay hot and moist beneath the mosquito netting as rain pelted against the thatch, until the house rooster rallied us to a pastel dawn.

I had to rub my eyes. Paradise surrounded us.

-Priit J. Vesilind, Jounalist- National Geographic
Also, don't forget to check-out their on-line gallery for really nice photos of some the local animal life!

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