This entry will be the first in a series of ideas that I have developed that I hope will provide even the smallest amount of inspiration to other like-minded readers and at the very least give people hope that all is not lost even in the most remote corners of the World. This is where ideas marry actions. Are the ideas I'm about to provide feasible? Not sure. Are they appropriate? Can't really say. I do know however that change must start somewhere. I've heard that some of the biggest fires in history have been started by one little spark...
Let's start with the Mission and Purpose of my plan to Save Abaga Falls...
Mission: To mobilize and encourage nature lovers everywhere to participate in the campaign to restore
- An area that can provide the protection to indigenous species as well as the food needed to help them survive in their natural habitat.
- An area that can promote the concept of coexistence and foster interest in the study of nature for future generations.
- An area that can be developed to be self-sustaining to support the park's daily operations requirements, financial or otherwise.
- An area close enough to the city limits that allows easy access and maximizes the usage of the park
- An area with suitable water flow that could be developed into a Hydro-Electric Plant to generate zero-emissions electricity for the local communities as well as help subsidize the parks continued operation.
- To create an area that is highly attractive to tourism and outdoor recreation interests.
- An area that can promote employment and stabilization of the local economy.
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